Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Four (That's 4, folks) YEARS Recover(ed) Today!

Scarlett! I hope you are well! I just wanted to thank you for being such a huge part of my recovery. I am four years recovered and I look forward to the future! There were few who really stood by me and were instrumental in my process - you are one of them. So every year on this day (even though I give thanks daily), I want to express my gratitude. So again, thank you, thank you, thank you! Keep doing what you're doing and loving on those who feel unlovable.


RM, you fantastic goddess of motherhood, you need to know something VERY important. You, my dear, birthed your own recovery, the same way you birthed those beautiful children. The way you feel blessed, and would rather be no where else but in your their presence, is what I felt each day I saw you. I was fortunate to witness your recovery, and thank you for allowing me into your darkest place. You hatched, my dear. As slimy and ugly and torturous at times that it was, you became strong and broke the shackles of that egg that confined you from life. I got to watch your little chicken foot bust out the walls of that shell, get scared and pull back into the warmth of the familiar. I was there when your little beak poked through to smell life outside your eating disorder, and decide it was scary but worth emerging into. And gloriously of all miracles, I watched you tumble out of your shattered eating disorder and learn to live a full and meaningful life. I, my dear, am the blessed and fortunate one, thank you!
Yours Always,


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