Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Destination Recover(ed): Day 14

August 29th, 2012 What I don't miss about my eating disorder: The 3 days before I moved back to Washington from Nevada. Those were the darkest most desperate days of my life. I have vowed to never ever be in a position to go down that path ever again. If I didn't have Sandy as a lifeline, even during the years that I moved from state to state, I never would have survived myself. The absolute positive thing that came as a result was a desperate attempt at and will to live. And from that Sandy was able to see me regularly instead of random check ins through the years and she reconnected me with Scarlett (whom I decided not to hate this time around so long as she forgave me for being a shithead from years before) and I was finally able to honestly begin this journey to find my wings. What I am not going to miss about my eating disorder: The chronic kidney failure that further damages the one kidney I was born with which is also severely damaged from the 20 years of having an eating disorder.

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