Monday, August 27, 2012

Destination Recover(ed): Day 12

August 27th, 2012

What I DON'T MISS about my eating disorder: The day that has been referred to as "The Starbucks Episode" by the doctors at the hospital in Reno that I have been admitted to 15 times in 4 years. That was the day I was allowed to walk down to the hospital Starbucks after being in ICU and then telemtry so couldn't leave the floor. That's also the day I coded right outside of Starbucks and was clinically dead for a few minutes. Trust me, it's true when they say that it's the upswing that will kill you. The turn around is dangerous and when Scarlett talks about the risk of sudden death, she's not just making it up as a scare tactic. The days of being dead are over, and I don't miss them.

What I am NOT GOING TO MISS about my eating disorder: Scarlett will *never* force anyone to eat anything. You're there because you choose to be. You're there to do the work, to learn to make better choices and to be loved and supported and helped back up when you eff up, but you have to make the choice to pick yourself back up. She will however, She does however, feed you. And that includes your own words if necessary. That humble pie ... I'm not going to miss that.

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