Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weight Management – Seattle – The Most Common Question

Weight management is often an ongoing battle, however, I believe you can create a whole lifestyle around your likes and dislikes that can help you loose weight permanently.

The number one question I hear about weight management is: How long is this going to take me to loose all of this weight?
My response is: “It depends on your level of commitment to permanent change.”
Permanent change means changing your habits at a snail’s pace. If you drop 80 pounds in 4 months, it’s almost guaranteed that you will gain it back. This is due to losing it too quickly. When this happens, the body feels unbalanced and strives to gain back to what it thought was normal for so long. If you loose one ounce a week, your body is not going to notice the loss and will readjust to change much easier, creating a new sense of normal to keep pounds off permanently.
Going at a snail’s pace does not require you to meet with me on a regular basis. We work together to create a weight loss plan that works for you charting your progress regularly, then you follow through on your own. We set up consultations based on your needs. The amount of consultations will vary with each person.
Emotional therapy is almost always a part of weight management and based on your circumstances, it may or may or may not be a part of your program. Again, through listening to your personal experiences with weight, we come to a realization of where and why the weight gain started, why it progressed and the current reasoning for sustaining a body with extra weight. For example, a person may not identify with their larger body, so they are shocked when they look in the mirror, and do not truly identify with that body. It is imperative that people struggling with weight issues attain a body that fits their identity as a person.
Losing weight can be psychologically damaging due to confusing the psyche. The body likes to maintain a state of equilibrium to sustain. When the psyche is disrupted, often it sends the body signals to return to a state of normal. People gain weight again to feel safe due to their body wanting less stress. In order to transcend to a state of happy and change, one must first feel completely fulfilled, safety wise. Safety often does not feel happy or good, but due to its nature of being familiar, we often chose it over a higher consciousness of happy.
Losing weight slowly is the easiest modality for permanent change. The reasoning behind this is that the psyche doesn’t notice slow change and it gives us time to prepare your psyche for a time when you’ll identify with a smaller body. How are you going to tie your shoes, wash your hair, dress in the morning? Losing weight doesn’t have to be a battle. Do it slowly and keep it off.
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